Dia del Cinema Català: Morning with the TAC

05 Nov 12:00 (Sala d'exposicions de Ca n'Ametller)

Eu non creo nas meigas, mais habelas hainas.
No crec en les bruixes, però n'hi ha.
No creo en las brujas, però haberlas, haylas.
Ez dut sorginetan sinisten, baina egon badaude.

Morning where we will have the pleasure of enjoying a talk with representatives and friends of the TAC (Terror Arreu de Catalunya).

Taking advantage of this year's theme, a title of this type may be more appropriate for the talk. That is, the visibility-INVISIBILITY of women in the film industry and gender in addition: habelas hainas.
Thus, we will not talk about the figure of women represented in genre cinema according to the male gaze (male gaze) but about women in different areas such as film creation, the industry and other areas.

With Sabina Pujol, Menchu Sesar, Olga Bel Giménez and Cris Gambin.