Round table: Witch, you're such a witch!

05 Nov 18:00 (Pista de La Peni)

"Stereotypes and biases in cinema in a feminine key"

The Molins de Rei Horror Film Festival organizes a round table within our project “Gènere al gènere” in this its third “edition” and, for the first time, in in-person mode. Next November 4 at 6 p.m. we will celebrate this event with the invaluable presence of specialists in both the cinematographic and gender fields and in Artificial Intelligence. It will be held in “El Pati de la Peni”, a space located in the Teatro de la Peni complex and will be open to public participation.

In this round table we will talk about the collective imagination and the interrelationships with the world of the seventh art towards the figure of the Witch. In addition, we will present a video-study that investigates this, made for the occasion by Carme Puche and Sergio Álvarez-Napagao making thoughtful use of Artificial Intelligence.

With Carme Puche Moré (Filmmaker and Vice President of Dones Visuals), Sergio Álvarez-Napagao (Professor and researcher at the UPC. Filmmaker.), Magdalena Oliver (Journalist. Deputy-director and co-screenwriter of “Bruixes, la gran mentida”, award-winning television documentary production).
Moderator: Vibha Daryanani Melwani (Producer and creator).