Fanzine presentation 'Balla-la-dalla textos sobre música, terror y cine'

27 Oct 19:30 (Sala d'exposicions de Ca n'Ametller)

Fanzine published on the occasion of the leitmotif of its 41st edition Los Musicales de Terror. It offers twenty texts with different approaches to the powerful and suggestive relationship between music, cinema and terror, including some escape beyond the seventh art.

Coordinated by Javier Rueda and layout by Anna Aguilera and Ariadna del Hoyo, participating with their texts are Francisco Talavera Cugueró, Antonio José Navarro, Sandra S. Lopera, Juan Renter, Silvia García Palacios, Gonzalo López, Juan Ángel Saiz, José M. Luzán, Guillermo Triguero, Montecarlo, Ramón Rey, Patricia Clapé Saga, Coque Cano Arañó, José Calle, Javier Cazeneuve, Carlos Martinez Agenjo, Manuel Calpe and David Izquierdo.
